Monday, July 21, 2014

Leg Day Ideas & Zucchini Tater Tots !

Need some ideas for the 
next time your working
them gluteal muscles!?

ohhh the beloved leg day : )
Leg day actually is my favorite because
there are SOOO many ways to work different
muscles in your lower body. The options are endless!

Here's a few of the exercises that I enjoy
and try to incorporate into my routine
ps. the videos turned out a little silly, but you get the point !


I either use a barbell or the Smith machine.
In this picture I am squatting 50lb.

With the smith machine I can add on a lot more weight because of the
fact that this machine is pretty much helping guide the squat.

ps. do not push your elbows as far back as I am in this clip,
thats a no-no on my part. 
"Keep your elbows as tucked in as you can" -Crossfit Champion Chris Vrakas

^^  This is a Smith Machine. I've realized a lot of people do not
know what this is. It's also great for calf raises!

 Squats promote more muscle growth across the 
whole body than any other movement 
Squats help you build lean muscle mass but will in turn
 raise your metabolism and you will burn more
 calories throughout the day and night

Convinced yet?


I am sort of a newbie to the dead lift world. 
Form is SUPER important in this exercise as it is easy to throw out
your back or lift with your neck, as I am learning.

Why Dead-lift!?
 Strengthens lower back better than any exercise
 which will help improve your posture
Works glutes, hamstrings, adductors, and lumbar
erectors (lower back) aka. the whole posterior chain, aka. important!

Side Shuffle

This is a great way to get your heart rate 
back up and pumping

One thing I would do differently in this video
would be to get in a lower squat
Other than that, this is a great exercise to
again work your adductors and gluteal muscles!


Okay..this exercise is SO extremely difficult!

This is a great way to work on your balance, for sure,
while getting your squats in as well.

Cable Kick Back

 my favorite exercise!
Performed using a pulley, this works your 
hamstrings and glutes.

I usually do 3 sets of 20 
& with each set I add on more and more weight


1 medium zucchini
1/3C Flour
Salt & Pepper
1 egg
2tbsp Flax Meal
1 string cheese stick

1. Preheat oven to 400F.
2. Cut zucchini long ways, then 
horizontally making chunks
3. Throw zucchini chunks into a large bowl
4. Sprinkle Flour, Salt, Pepper, and any other seasonings that you prefer 
into bowl with zucchini
5. Whisk egg in a separate bowl
6. Cut up cheese stick & place into a food processor
Process until parmesan texture forms
7. Mix flax meal and cheese into another separate bowl
8. Take a few zucchini pieces at a time out of the
flour mixture, dunk into egg, followed by flax meal mixture.
9.Place breaded zucchini onto a baking sheet covered in
a non-stick mat, parchment paper, or cooking spray
10. Bake for 15 minutes, or until cooked

So delicious!
& YES, i paired it along side some boiled snap peas 
and green beans with roasted garlic : )

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