Monday, January 20, 2014

Tuna Patties and Curly Fries

Easiest lunch you will ever create and be dang proud of :) 

First things first, over winter break I bought myself
a SPIRALIZER. I have had my eye on this thing FOREVER and finally
I decided to quit being lazy and look up where I can get my hands on my very own.
This little appliance takes vegetable (ANY KIND) and turns them into fries, noodles, curly shapes, slices, peels, YOU NAME IT.. it does it. Swear.

Here is what happens when you put two Baby Golden Potatoes
to the test...

Beautiful right? Not only is it a pretty clever convention but it's also
quite fun to use :) 

3 ingredients, cause what more do fries need besides oil and salt
Am I right… or Am i right!? 

-Bake these puppies 
-400 degrees
-20 minutes
-Flipping every now and then

(I weighed out a 1oz portion for my meal and stored the remaining 2oz)


Yup.. just those 3 ingredients. Believe it or not, THAT'S IT
Combine these Ingredients into a Mini Food processor 
(another appliance that I just love so much and use probably every day)

Once the ingredients are all mixed together
Dig in and form 3 palm sized patties

Fry these bad boys up with just a little assistance 
from Miss. Coconut Oil


you have just made a delicious lunch that took
 20 minutes, 6 ingredients, and 1 blog post

Enjoy it…I know you will.
You're welcome :)

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